Sunday, October 6, 2013

#LDSConf Experience

I liked the ideas presented in class, and so here's what I had open this morning during the first session of conference, across 2 computer screens: conference, Twitter, the Google Doc notes, my own notes, and Facebook.

Here's my screenshot from the start of the second session. Open in a new tab for a better look! Blogspot's shrunk it so it's hard to read the small bits, but the Anons are "Anonymous Otter" and "Anonymous Sheep."

It was fun but I had a slight headache by the end of the session! During the second session I moved to a TV with my laptop, to split things up a bit more. It helped me focus. The amount of information was a little overwhelming! Some Tweets I saw apologized to their followers for the conference spam. I didn't. Here are non-quote couple of tweets I liked:

(Don't you agree? I guess most of us are Mormon hipsters.)

Here are the links to the crowdsourced conference notes Google Docs: Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. Most contributors were anon and were assigned wild names like "Anonymous Capybara" and "Anonymous Ferret." I was able to contribute a little bit, which was exciting!

The group notes missed a couple of golden quotes which stood out to me, so they aren't perfect. It was neat to watch the online interaction though: the moderator (one of the only named contributors) put links to hymns, scriptures, and speaker bios; at one point, two people were trading lines of Elder Holland's talk and captured a lot of that section nearly word for word. Also, an random conversation took place in italics in the doc about the lack of home teaching in the LDS Tools app (see page 2 of the morning session). Ah, the quirky advantages of group notes!

The #ldsconf hashtag was a little overwhelming; you'd refresh, start scrolling, and five seconds later there would be something at the stop saying there were 20 more tweets! Here again, I participated in the conversation (after making my Twitter public), answering someone's query about what they'd missed and tweeting something else a person Favorited. (I'm a Twitter newbie, so that's a big deal.)

And did I mention that it was fun to start seeing memes pop up? By the end of the first session, at least one blog had already start posting (click the second link for an Avengers meme!).

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