Saturday, October 5, 2013

Digital Culture in the LDS Church

So in class on Wednesday we mentioned watching the hashtag #ldsconf for our LDS General Conference. I don't have a twitter account, but I did tune in to see what it was like. I found myself following the LDS Gen Conf Tweets account, and did glance through the same hashtag on Google+. They caught quotes that I didn't right away, and it is nice to see the tag trending worldwide again. It's a missionary opportunity in the digital world. And making the most of those missionary moments and getting ourselves out there seemed to be one of the main themes during the Saturday sessions, huh?

As we dive deeper into the semester and get more invested into what our posts will be about (our second and third phases of blogging wee), I think we should try to have similar conviction and confidence in our research here like we would in talking about the gospel. When Dr Burton mentioned getting our draft work out there, letting people see our progress, I thought of how we as members do the same kind of process with our lives. We (hopefully) get invested into the doctrine because it's something we are passionate about. But we make mistakes. People aren't perfect. No one should expect anyone to be perfect. And that's okay.

My posts aren't perfect. My research might not be. I'll make mistakes, but what makes me get better is learning from these stumbling blocks. I'll jump over them and press on. As I work out what I'm going to do for the second phase, I hope that even if it's difficult and imperfect, the research will make a difference to someone - even if that difference is only for myself. I'll take home something much bigger than just a homework assignment. Hopefully you guys will too.

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